Board Meeting – January 16, 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023 at 7 PM
• Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
Monday, January 16, 2023 at 7 PM
• Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
The Public Utility Commission’s rule in Title 16, Chapter 24 Texas Admin. Code § 24.173(d) prohibits your water and sewer provider from imposing a late fee or from disconnecting your retail water or sewer service for nonpayment of bills that are due during an extreme weather emergency until after the emergency is over.
An extreme weather emergency is defined as a period beginning when the previous day’s highest temperature in your area did not exceed 28 degrees Fahrenheit, and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours according to the nearest National Weather Service reports for your area. For the purposes of these requirements, an extreme weather emergency is over on the second business day the temperature exceed 28 degrees Fahrenheit.
Your water and sewer provider is required to offer a payment schedule to an affected customer that timely requests a payment schedule. If you are affected by an extreme weather emergency, you may request a payment schedule for unpaid bills that are due during the extreme weather emergency.
For affected customers that timely request a payment schedule, your water and sewer provider is prohibited from disconnecting service for nonpayment of bills that are due during an extreme weather emergency. However, once a payment schedule is offered, disconnections may resume if you (1) decline to timely accept the payment schedule, or (2) violate the terms of the payment schedule.
If you have a bill from your water and sewer provider due during an extreme weather emergency, then you qualify to request a payment schedule. Please contact our office at:
La regla de la Comisión de Servicios Públicos en el Título 16, Capítulo 24, del Código Administrativo de Texas § 24.173(d) prohíbe a su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado imponer un cargo por mora o desconectar su servicio minorista de agua o alcantarillado por falta de pago de las facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas hasta después de que la emergencia haya terminado.
Una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas se define como un periodo que comienza cuando la temperatura más alta del día previo en su área no superó los 28 grados Fahrenheit y se prevé que la temperatura permanecerá en ese nivel o debajo de él durante las siguientes 24 horas según los informes más cercanos del Servicio Meteorológico Nacional para su área. A efectos de estos requisitos, una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas finaliza el segundo día laborable en que la temperatura supera los 28 grados Fahrenheit.
Su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado debe ofrecer un programa de pago a un cliente afectado que lo solicite oportunamente. Si se ve afectado por una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas, puede solicitar un programa de pago para las facturas impagas adeudadas durante la emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas.
Para los clientes afectados que soliciten oportunamente un programa de pago, su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado tiene prohibido desconectar el servicio por falta de pago de las facturas adeudadas durante una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas. Sin embargo, una vez que se ofrece un programa de pago, las desconexiones pueden reanudarse si usted (1) se niega a aceptar oportunamente el programa de pago, o (2) viola los términos del programa de pago.
Si tiene una factura de su proveedor de agua y alcantarillado adeudada durante una emergencia por condiciones del tiempo extremas, entonces tiene derecho a solicitar un programa de pago. Póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina en:
The National Weather Service has advised that subfreezing temperatures are likely beginning Thursday night and into Friday morning following the passage of a strong cold front. Freeze Warnings and possible Hard Freeze Warnings can be expected. High temperatures could quite possibly remain below freezing throughout the day on Friday and not warm up above freezing until during the day on Saturday.
Follow the Houston/Galveston National Weather Service for information and forecast updates.
Monday, December 19, 2022 at 7 PM
• Meeting Agenda (PDF)
• Addendum Agenda (PDF)
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
Monday, November 21, 2022 at 7 PM
• Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
Monday, October 17, 2022 at 7 PM
• Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
The District’s operators are aware of color, odor and taste issues in the water.
Mitigation procedures have been implemented and samples have been taken.
The District’s operator believes this was a temporary “blending” issue, and the water is safe to drink:
“…I have not received the report from the lab yet, but have received verbal confirmation that the bacteriological samples are negative and that iron and manganese were present, which is typical of ground water.
These constituents will cause taste and odor complaints. A couple of the other samples that were collected will take a bit longer to analyze but we should get these back soon.
Long story short, our water is safe to drink.
We will evaluate the samples from the raw water and determine if we may need to add phosphate to sequester the iron and manganese.
We will also run the well (ground water) onto the ground for a few minutes before adding to our distribution system (i.e., mixing with the surface water in the tank).
These steps should help avoid this situation in the future.”
Monday, October 17, 2022 at 7 PM
Fire Station on SH 146 ( 905 TX-146, Kemah, Texas 77565 ).
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.
Saturday, August 20, 2022 at 9 AM
• Special Meeting Agenda (PDF)
1401 State Highway 146, Kemah, Galveston County, Texas
Public is invited – and encouraged! – to attend.