
District Contact Information

If you have any problems, such as a water leak, sewer odor, discolored water, open manholes, alarms are sounding, etc., contact us. We can and will respond 24 hours a day.

Office Hours

Be sure and bring in your identification if you are coming to start or cancel a service.

Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Water leaks, sewer, stoppages, etc.: (281) 334-3331

Emergencies After Hours (24 Hours/7 Days a week): (281) 290-6503; Toll Free: (855) 290-6371

For Payment of Service, Walk-Ups, and 24-Hour Drop-Box

Galveston County WCID #12
524 Cien Street, Kemah, Texas 77565
(281) 334-3331

Remittance Address

Galveston County WCID #12
P.O. Box 3150, Houston, Texas 77253-3150

For Information Regarding Tax Statements

Cheryl E. Johnson, Tax Assessor
(409) 766-2284

Send Us a Message

    Requests for Public Information

    To request public information, please direct your request to:

    Or you may deliver your request via hand delivery or US mail to:

    Galveston County WCID #12
    Attn: Public Information Officer
    524 Cien Street
    Kemah, Texas 77565