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The following are helpful hints we hope will both impact your water bill, and give you the knowledge to contribute in conserving one of our nation’s greatest resources. In addition to item #2, we are happy to provide “Checking for Water Leaks Tablets”, which can be picked up at our District Office, at your convenience.
Install A High Efficiency Toilet (HET)
Water conservation efforts and related government requirements have reduced water consumption in toilets from 5 or more gallons per flush (gpf) through the 1970’s, to 3.5 gpf in the 1980’s, to the current 1.6 gpf in toilets sold in the US since 1994. Even so, the toilet is still the biggest user of water inside most homes. New legislation requires that only High Efficiency Toilets (HET) using no more than 1.28 gpf be available for sale in the US, and will be mandated by code in many parts of the country – starting with California on January 1, 2014.
Dual Flush technology has been in use for many years in water conscious Australia and other parts of the world but is only just now coming to North America. Dual Flush is simpler and less expensive than other water-saving toilet alternatives and it allows you to choose the right flush each time:
- Less water for liquid waste (half flush)
- More water for solid waste (full flush)
Dual Flush technology allows you to reduce the amount of water used to flush liquids while maintaining the required amount needed to flush solids. Whereas, almost 50% of the toilets still being used in the U.S. and Canada are 3.5 gpf or greater, Dual Flush technology allows the consumer to convert their high capacity toilet to a more efficient water and money saving toilet. Although water savings potential is higher in 3.5 gpf or larger toilets, there are benefits to using the Dual Flush technology in 1.6 and 1.28 gpf toilets. Dual Flush technology will allow you to reduce the water used for a half-flush to 1.1 gallons or lower, offering substantial savings without sacrificing flushing performance.
Why DUO FLUSH by Fluidmaster?
DUO FLUSH™ allows you to take advantage of Dual Flush technology without compromising flush performance.
Fluidmaster products offer these Competitive Advantages:
- Fits more toilets than any other dual flush conversion valve
- Maximizes toilet performance and water-savings
- Outperforms all other dual flush conversion valves
- Installs in 25 minutes